Why we want to give to Mind
Every year, one in four of us will experience a mental health problem. That’s a lot of people. We all live stressful lives and at times, we all find it hard to cope. Hundreds of thousands of people are still struggling as they are worried about being honest and admitting they need some help.
Mind believes no one should have to face a mental health problem alone. They listen, give you support and advice, and fight your corner.
By donating to this charity, we hope that we will be helping people to overcome mental health struggles.
You can give to charity just by using Booker Venue
We are a free venue finding service. We earn our money from the venues we book, which is how the industry works. We want to make a difference, so will be giving 10% of our profits to the charity Mind. It’s as simple as that.

How the money helps
Giving money to Mind really does make a difference:
- £10 helps them send essential information booklets about mental health to 40 people.
- £40 could pay for 28 people to campaign on Mind’s behalf.
- £70 helps keep their online community open and safe for two hours.
- £120 could offer a lifeline to eight people in desperate need of support from the Mind legal line.
- £200 could help them keep the Mind Infoline open for 1 hour, helping 35 people.
- £300 could support a young person bereaved by suicide to access 1:1 and group support.
- £550 could provide five people struggling with their mental health a place in a 10-week wellbeing group with team sports and cookery.
In 2022 Carina decided to make an extra donation of £500 to the Ukrainian Crisis Appeal.
Let us find your perfect venue
Email us with a few more details of your meeting, conference or event and we’ll get started:
Or if you’d prefer to chat through your plans, call: 07710427440. Email Booker Venue